No Limits Movement - Empowering Africans to Reach Their Full Potential

No Limits Movement is a dynamic organization on a mission to empower Africans to achieve their full potential and become the leaders they were destined to be. 

Founded by Coach Tarie, a visionary leader with a deep understanding of the Bible, No Limits Movement approaches societal transformation through a unique lens.

The Vision

Coach Tarie received a powerful vision in 2005, where he saw the church elevated to a position of influence, driving positive change across society. This vision became the foundation for No Limits Movement, which strives to:
  1. Unleash Potential: Help Africans discover their God-given gifts and talents, equipping them to fulfill their purpose.
  2. Transform Culture: Champion Kingdom values and principles, shaping a society built on integrity, responsibility, and excellence.
  3. Take Over Mountains of Influence: Empower individuals to become leaders in all spheres of life, from business and education to government and entertainment.

Core Values

No Limits Movement operates on a foundation of core values that guide all their actions:
  1. Wisdom: Seeking God's wisdom above all else and pursuing continuous learning.
  2. People-Centric: Valuing people and their potential over material possessions.
  3. Uniqueness: Celebrating individual differences and fostering a spirit of inclusivity.
  4. Integrity: Upholding the highest ethical standards and acting with complete honesty.
  5. Purpose-Driven: Encouraging individuals to discover their purpose and live a life of meaning.
  6. Responsibility: Empowering individuals to take ownership of their lives and contribute to society.
  7. Relationships: Building strong, supportive relationships that foster collaboration and growth.
  8. Relevance: Addressing contemporary issues and delivering solutions that are practical and impactful.
  9. Excellence: Striving for excellence in all endeavors and setting high standards.
  10. Diligence: Cultivating a strong work ethic and a commitment to getting things done.

The Arms of No Limits Movement

No Limits Movement accomplishes its mission through various arms, each focusing on a specific area of influence:
  1. No Limits Centres (Worship Centres): Provide spiritual nourishment and a supportive community.
  2. School of Leadership Success and Excellence (SOLSE): Equips individuals with leadership skills and knowledge.
  3. Youth With An Attitude (YWA): Empowers young people to discover their passions and talents.
  4. Kingdom Kids: Supports children and helps them reach their full potential.
  5. Men of Honour: Equips men to be responsible leaders in their families and communities.
  6. Women of Virtue: Empowers women to reach their God-given potential.
  7. Kingdom Solutions: Develops and shares practical solutions to everyday challenges.
  8. FUN & DO (Family Unit Nurturing and Development Organisation): Strengthens families, the cornerstone of society.
  9. NO LIMP (No Limits Partners): Provides a platform for financial and project support.
  10. Arise Africa Cause: Organizes conferences to inspire and equip African leaders.
  11. No Limits Outreach Ministry: Spreads the message of hope and transformation.

Contact No Limits Movement

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No Limits Movement is more than just an organization; it's a movement for change, a call to action for Africans to rise up and claim their destinies. Are you ready to answer the call?