Dominican Convent Making Greater Strides: Accelerated Learning the Master 21st Century Skill

Mastering the Skill of Learning With Coach Tarie: The Key to Staying Relevant in the 21st Century

On Monday the 9th of September 2024, Dominican Convent Bulawayo made a major leap in enhancing their learner focused efforts of making sure that its learners are fully equipped for the 21st century era. They conducted a staff development training workshop facilitated by Coach Tarie under the banner, "Accelerated Learning: How to get the most out of the learner." The workshop was designed to empower the staff members with accelerated learning techniques so that they will impart accelearated learning to the learners.

Some of the staff members who attended the Workshop with Coach Tarie!!

Why Learn How To Learn?

In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and shifting job markets, the ability to learn effectively has become a critical skill for individuals seeking to remain relevant. The 21st century demands not just knowledge, but the capacity to adapt, unlearn, and relearn. As Coach Tarie aptly states, "The world you and I were trained for no longer exists; the one that now exists is for those who have mastered the skills of learning, unlearning, and relearning" (The Wisdom Garden, Volume 1). This prompted me to delve into the importance of mastering the art of learning and its implications for employability and personal growth.

Anticipating Change: A Path to Employability

In today’s fast-paced world, employability hinges on the ability to anticipate change and prepare for it. Industries evolve at breakneck speed, and those who remain static risk obsolescence. Continuous learning equips individuals with the foresight to adapt to new circumstances, ensuring they are always ahead of the curve. For instance, professionals in technology must stay updated with programming languages and software developments to maintain their marketability.

The Short Shelf-Life of Education

Traditional education is no longer a one-time investment. Knowledge acquired today may become outdated tomorrow. According to Peter Drucker, a renowned management consultant, “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” This highlights the necessity for lifelong learning—an ongoing journey rather than a destination.

The New Paradigm: Lifelong Learning

Gone are the days when life was neatly divided into three stages: learning years, earning years, and retirement years. The modern landscape requires individuals to continually upskill and adapt their perspectives. For example, professionals in fields like healthcare must regularly update their knowledge to comply with new regulations and treatments. This shift underscores the importance of developing a mindset geared towards continuous learning.

Learning How to Learn: The Core Competency

The ability to learn how to learn is perhaps the most vital skill of all. It serves as the foundation upon which all other skills are built. As Albert Einstein famously said, “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” By mastering this skill, individuals position themselves to tackle any challenge life throws their way.

The Obsolescence of Specific Knowledge

While specific knowledge may become obsolete, the skill of learning how to learn remains timeless. Individuals who cultivate this skill can easily pivot to new areas of interest or necessity without losing their relevance. For example, many professionals have transitioned from traditional roles into tech-based positions by acquiring new skills through online courses and workshops.

Taking Charge of Your Learning

The rapid pace of change in our world often outstrips the evolution of educational institutions. This gap places the onus on individuals to take charge of their own learning journeys. Accelerated Learning Techniques can significantly enhance this process, enabling learners to absorb information more quickly and effectively.

Accelerated Learning Techniques: A Solution

Implementing Accelerated Learning Techniques can empower individuals to navigate the complexities of modern education. These techniques provide tools for effective study habits, memory enhancement, and critical thinking skills. For instance, methods like mind mapping or spaced repetition can drastically improve retention rates and facilitate quicker comprehension.

Dominican Convent Efforts in Education

Coach Tarie commends institutions like Dominican Convent Bulawayo for recognizing the importance of equipping their staff with these essential skills. Through staff development training conducted by Coach Tarie, educators are empowered with Accelerated Learning Techniques that can transform their teaching methodologies and enhance student engagement.

Dominican Convent Bulawayo Head and Deputy with Coach Tarie adopting Coach Tarie's Living By Design: Insights Into The Purpose Driven Life into their School Library. 

Embrace Accelerated Learning

Mastering the skill of learning is imperative for anyone wishing to thrive in the 21st century. Coach Tarie advocates for individuals and educational institutions alike to engage in Accelerated Learning programs that foster adaptability and resilience. The world is changing rapidly, and those who embrace lifelong learning will not only survive but flourish in this dynamic environment.

For those interested in enhancing their learning capabilities or empowering their teams, Coach Tarie offers invaluable insights and expertise in Accelerated Learning Techniques—ensuring that you remain relevant in a world where change is the only constant.