What Do You See?: Keys to Unlock Your Significance.
You can only see what you are trained to see. Read again and reflect on this statement.
Who took your eyes and vision?
The environment that raised you, which was shaped by our educational and socio-cultural systems, has trained us to see opportunities that were created by others.
It has defined leadership in terms of position, office, or power. It has defined business as a space for a few privileged ones. Because of this, many of us do not see ourselves as leaders or business people.
Opportunities All Over
We, therefore, do not see the many opportunities that are around that are calling for our purposes and potential to address them. When there is chaos and problems in our environment, we look for those who are in leadership to come and address them. We are not trained to see the business and leadership opportunities around.
A few conversations can change your story. For Jeremiah, Amos, and Zechariah, it took a few conversations with God to change their perspectives when they were all faced with the important question, "What do you see?"
You can begin to see again!
We have conversations that we have designed to help you see what not many people are seeing. Our conversations start with you from within - they start with self-discovery. Sight comes by birth, but vision comes from quality conversations, which many people are isolated from. Vision comes through training.
All can look, but not all can see for the eye does not see, but is a gateway for information to the real instrument of sight. We look with our eyes, but we see with our hearts - Coach Tarie: The Wisdom Garden (Volume 1)
In a world of ever-increasing population and ever evolving cultures, there is always an evolving need, a developing problem, and a rising dissatisfaction. You can't remain small and insignificant in this world of ever emerging opportunities - Coach Tarie: The Wisdom Garden (Volume 1)
It, however, comes back to the big question, What do you see?
SoLSE is here for you with what you need
As School of Leadership Success of Entrepreneurship, we are providing an opportunity to take you through a journey that will translate your sight to vision so that you will see the abundant opportunities in the 21st century culturescape.
Register for the Certificate in Life Coaching and be trained to see what many cannot see and get in the top 5% of people who are trained to see leadership and business opportunities. Get in touch to be part of the Harare August Physical Class today before registration closes.
Call Now and Change the Conversations!
www.coachtarie.co.zw| coachtarie@ gmail.com | facebook/X/linkedin @ Coach Tarie | +263773 301 267/ +263 772 106 415