Prophecy On The Believers' Response To The Zimbabwean Crisis
Zimbabweans find themselves in a challenging time that has left many in deep poverty and struggling for livelihood.
Those who look at it from an elevated spiritual point of view would understand it to be part of the birth pangs of the long-awaited and long prophesied revival and restoration of the nation. In however way one may look at the situation, one thing for certain is that God has not forsaken his people and maintains his divine grace accessible.
Written By Coach Tarie
The crisis in the nation is affecting the masses and among the affected are the children of the mighty God. As I was part of a prayer group praying for the nation during one Pastoral fraternity meeting, I felt in my spirit the Lord speaking a word to the believers affected by the Zimbabwean situation on how they have to respond to the looming crisis.
The Lord Jesus made it clear that His body was to understand that they were not of the world. This meant that even though they remained in the world, they were not to identify and conform to it. A world system that He discouraged His children to conform to would be identified by four pillars that define a world system.
The Lord Jesus made it clear that His body was to understand that they were not of the world. This meant that even though they remained in the world, they were not to identify and conform to it. A world system that He discouraged His children to conform to would be identified by four pillars that define a world system.
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Prophecy On The Believers' Response To The Zimbabwean Crisis |
It is about a ‘way of response’, that the Lord emphasized as one of the ways to manage their lives and alleviate the intensity of impact that is being caused by the situation.
Who is going to give support and hope to the suffering masses of the Zimbabwean nation? The fact that Christ resides in the believers should be hope for the masses. Christ will minister to the people as the believers maintain unity and are there to love and serve each other in different ways. Selfishness will increase the suffering but unity will alleviate the impact of the crisis in the nation and continent. Born again citizens should not respond as those without hope but in the midst of the harsh conditions, they should keep virtuous living as the lights and salt of the earth. They should continue producing the fruit of the Spirit and all that is identified with the resurrected life. They should not react in the way the world does but respond in a way that is consistent with the life that they carry.
No matter what environment you throw any type of seed, it will not produce something different because of the environment. Throw a mango seed in a waste dumpsite, sewerage disposal site, or any type of environment, it will still produce what is inside it, a mango tree. This has to be the case for the offspring of God in Zimbabwe, they should continue producing the fruits of the resurrection life irrespective of the harsh economic conditions.
Who is going to give support and hope to the suffering masses of the Zimbabwean nation? The fact that Christ resides in the believers should be hope for the masses. Christ will minister to the people as the believers maintain unity and are there to love and serve each other in different ways. Selfishness will increase the suffering but unity will alleviate the impact of the crisis in the nation and continent. Born again citizens should not respond as those without hope but in the midst of the harsh conditions, they should keep virtuous living as the lights and salt of the earth. They should continue producing the fruit of the Spirit and all that is identified with the resurrected life. They should not react in the way the world does but respond in a way that is consistent with the life that they carry.
No matter what environment you throw any type of seed, it will not produce something different because of the environment. Throw a mango seed in a waste dumpsite, sewerage disposal site, or any type of environment, it will still produce what is inside it, a mango tree. This has to be the case for the offspring of God in Zimbabwe, they should continue producing the fruits of the resurrection life irrespective of the harsh economic conditions.
A lifestyle of love and support for one another will help go through the crisis as the Bible shows how different people groups who were of the faith dealt with different crisis situations. A case study of the Macedonian church below is what the Lord gave me to encourage the Church of God in Zimbabwe.
Now, friends, I want to report on the surprising and generous ways in which God is working in the churches in Macedonia province. Fierce troubles came down on the people of those churches, pushing them to the very limit. The trial exposed their true colours: They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. The pressure triggered something totally unexpected: an outpouring of pure and generous gifts. I was there and saw it for myself. They gave offerings of whatever they could — far more than they could afford! — pleading for the privilege of helping out in the relief of poor Christians.
Now, friends, I want to report on the surprising and generous ways in which God is working in the churches in Macedonia province. Fierce troubles came down on the people of those churches, pushing them to the very limit. The trial exposed their true colours: They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. The pressure triggered something totally unexpected: an outpouring of pure and generous gifts. I was there and saw it for myself. They gave offerings of whatever they could — far more than they could afford! — pleading for the privilege of helping out in the relief of poor Christians.
This was totally spontaneous, entirely their own idea, and caught us completely off guard. What explains it was that they had first given themselves unreservedly to God and to us. The other giving simply flowed out of the purposes of God working in their lives. [2 Corinthians 8:1-6 – The Message Bible]
The text above challenges the believers to allow the challenges to expose the true colours of generosity, love, unity and support for one another in these times of crisis and harsh economic conditions. They did not allow their poverty to stop them from shining. Generous giving should continue and abound in different dimensions as we support one another in the nation. To expound on the response that will help Zimbabweans to sail through the season, the Macedonian churches revealed the secret. This will be discussed in different levels of giving.
The text above challenges the believers to allow the challenges to expose the true colours of generosity, love, unity and support for one another in these times of crisis and harsh economic conditions. They did not allow their poverty to stop them from shining. Generous giving should continue and abound in different dimensions as we support one another in the nation. To expound on the response that will help Zimbabweans to sail through the season, the Macedonian churches revealed the secret. This will be discussed in different levels of giving.
1. Giving ourselves to God:
The secret of the churches of Macedonia in being fruitful in the times of crisis was giving themselves unreservedly to God. It is one thing to believe in God and be part of a fellowship, but it is another thing to give yourself to God so that you are ready to fulfil his purposes. As Zimbabweans, there is need to give ourselves to God and not allow our political affiliations to cloud our judgments and affect our submission to God.
Giving ourselves to God means enthroning God and Jesus as Lord over our lives and nation. Enthroning God in our hearts and decisions gives access to constant supply irrespective of the seasons, times or time of the month as illustrated by the vision of John cited below.
Then the Angel showed me Water-of-Life River, crystal bright. It flowed from the Throne of God and the Lamb, right down the middle of the street. The Tree of Life was planted on each side of the River, producing twelve kinds of fruit, a ripe fruit each month. The leaves of the Tree are for healing the nations. [Revelations 22:1-3 - The Message Bible]
It is clear that the river flows from the throne of God and the Lamb meaning that it flows only where the Lord is given his place. Wherever the river flows there is provision all year round and access to the Wisdom that will bring national healing. It starts with giving ourselves to God and learning his will whether it is in line with our liking or not.
2. Giving ourselves to the Servants of God and God’s visions:
The second lesson from the Macedonian church was giving themselves to the genuine leaders of the church. Submission to church leadership is key as God works with church leaders to administer his purposes and reveal his will and plans. God has revealed his vision of rebuilding the nation through different leaders who have different visions given to them to manifest the multidimensional aspects of his wisdom that will address the 7 spheres that influence people which are Politics, Economics, Education, Media, Religion, Family and Arts and Entertainment.
God's purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. [Ephesians 3:10-11 - New Living Translation]
3. Giving the saving Gospel to the nation:
The Macedonian churches were generous in giving material things but the Zimbabwean nation needs generosity from the sons and daughters of the Kingdom in the preaching of the saving gospel at all levels from political leaders some of whom demonstrate heartlessness to business people and the greater populace. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the hope of the nation and managing life through the prevailing crisis. Share with someone the saving Gospel today.
4. Giving to the needy:
The case study under discussion was a great demonstration of generous giving to the needy. The situation in the nation is living many vulnerable and unable to meet basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. Unity and generosity are irrespective of the fact that one is not getting all that they would need would help alleviate the impact of the challenges being faced by the majority. People should learn to share from the little they have and like the Macedonian churches, giving even beyond ability and comfort. Help someone who is in need of a meal or a basic commodity today.
5. Giving in terms of encouragement and support:
Everywhere you look you will see things getting tougher and prices going up. The social media has a way of showing how ugly things are turning and as Zimbabweans, we should learn to be generous in encouraging and strengthening each other in the Lord. If the ministry of encouragement is not given, many will succumb to stress, depression or other related predicaments. Encourage someone and strengthen someone at least every day.
6. Giving thanks to God:
At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. [Ephesians 5:20 – AMPLIFIED Bible]
The situation in Zimbabwe should not change our perspective of God. Nothing should take away our gratitude towards God. Thanksgiving is one key to the realm of better possibilities in times of crisis. The word of God shows how thanksgiving to God and praise helped many to realise deliverance from different harsh situations and circumstances. Thanksgiving, praise and worship also help us to get the correct perspective in trying times. The Writer to the 73rd Psalm after struggling to understand why the wicked continued to prosper and seemed to have things going their way went to the sanctuary and through worship, he got the true perspective of their end which he quotes singing,
I tried to understand why the wicked prosper. But what a difficult task it is! Then I went into your sanctuary, O God, and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked. [Psalms 73:16-17 -New Living Translation]
3. Giving the saving Gospel to the nation:
The Macedonian churches were generous in giving material things but the Zimbabwean nation needs generosity from the sons and daughters of the Kingdom in the preaching of the saving gospel at all levels from political leaders some of whom demonstrate heartlessness to business people and the greater populace. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the hope of the nation and managing life through the prevailing crisis. Share with someone the saving Gospel today.
4. Giving to the needy:
The case study under discussion was a great demonstration of generous giving to the needy. The situation in the nation is living many vulnerable and unable to meet basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. Unity and generosity are irrespective of the fact that one is not getting all that they would need would help alleviate the impact of the challenges being faced by the majority. People should learn to share from the little they have and like the Macedonian churches, giving even beyond ability and comfort. Help someone who is in need of a meal or a basic commodity today.
5. Giving in terms of encouragement and support:
Everywhere you look you will see things getting tougher and prices going up. The social media has a way of showing how ugly things are turning and as Zimbabweans, we should learn to be generous in encouraging and strengthening each other in the Lord. If the ministry of encouragement is not given, many will succumb to stress, depression or other related predicaments. Encourage someone and strengthen someone at least every day.
6. Giving thanks to God:
At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. [Ephesians 5:20 – AMPLIFIED Bible]
The situation in Zimbabwe should not change our perspective of God. Nothing should take away our gratitude towards God. Thanksgiving is one key to the realm of better possibilities in times of crisis. The word of God shows how thanksgiving to God and praise helped many to realise deliverance from different harsh situations and circumstances. Thanksgiving, praise and worship also help us to get the correct perspective in trying times. The Writer to the 73rd Psalm after struggling to understand why the wicked continued to prosper and seemed to have things going their way went to the sanctuary and through worship, he got the true perspective of their end which he quotes singing,
I tried to understand why the wicked prosper. But what a difficult task it is! Then I went into your sanctuary, O God, and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked. [Psalms 73:16-17 -New Living Translation]
7. Giving ourselves to principle centred living:
Another area that will be necessary for the Zimbabwean people in managing crisis is giving themselves to principle centred living. In tough and challenging times people are pushed to compromise on principles with the anticipation of escaping the situation. Compromising on certain basic principles might end up worsening the situation at different levels.
It is how we live today that becomes the bedrock of where we will be standing or building on in the future so we have to be careful how we live today.
How we live today are the seeds that determine how our children will live. It is sad that corrupt practices that were demonstrated in the nation at different levels are the realities of the younger generations today. Faithfulness to principles is what God rewards. Let us not sell our bodies and souls for temporary material gain. Do not compromise any of God’s principles no matter the heat and pressure.
8. Giving our bodies to the will of God:
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
8. Giving our bodies to the will of God:
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. [Romans 12:1-2- New Living Translation]
The sons of God in the nation of Zimbabwe need to be conscious of the will of God and be ready and available for whatever God wants to be done. There is need of people who are ready to stand for the will of God at whatever level in all the earlier discussed 7 mountains of Influence which are Politics, Economics, Education, Media, Religion, Family and Arts and Entertainment.
9. Giving advice and God’s perspective:
The sons of God in the nation of Zimbabwe need to be conscious of the will of God and be ready and available for whatever God wants to be done. There is need of people who are ready to stand for the will of God at whatever level in all the earlier discussed 7 mountains of Influence which are Politics, Economics, Education, Media, Religion, Family and Arts and Entertainment.
9. Giving advice and God’s perspective:
The church has been disappointing as some of the people who have access to the political and economic leaders have been found victims of compromising on the advice and prophetic words that they give them. Some of them have been caught up in polarised partisan politics hence not delivering the true prophetic words to the different political and economic leaders. Some have been driven by fear hence keeping quiet with what has been spoken by God that will make things better for the people of Zimbabwe. We need the rising of the Josephs and Daniels who had influence in political and economic destinies of nations.
There is also a need of general believers who are not ashamed to be identified with the King of kings and also not afraid to stand for him at every level. The social media spaces do not reflect the number of professed sons of God. The negativity on these platforms does not reflect the large numbers who are singing and worshipping God on Sundays. Take time to comment and speak things that reflect your faith in relation to the Zimbabwean situation on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and other spaces.
10. Giving finances and material resources:
Giving is guaranteed of results. Let not the season cause us to justify stinginess because generous giving will always be rewarded by the Lord. The word of God and our different environments have different practical examples on the rewards of giving material things generously with the correct motives.
The hope of our nation is in the believers taking their stand and doing their part with the leading of the Holy Spirit. Zimbabwe eagerly awaits for the manifestation of the sons of God at different levels if people are going to walk through the current crisis and harsh social, political and economic challenges.
There is also a need of general believers who are not ashamed to be identified with the King of kings and also not afraid to stand for him at every level. The social media spaces do not reflect the number of professed sons of God. The negativity on these platforms does not reflect the large numbers who are singing and worshipping God on Sundays. Take time to comment and speak things that reflect your faith in relation to the Zimbabwean situation on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and other spaces.
10. Giving finances and material resources:
Giving is guaranteed of results. Let not the season cause us to justify stinginess because generous giving will always be rewarded by the Lord. The word of God and our different environments have different practical examples on the rewards of giving material things generously with the correct motives.
The hope of our nation is in the believers taking their stand and doing their part with the leading of the Holy Spirit. Zimbabwe eagerly awaits for the manifestation of the sons of God at different levels if people are going to walk through the current crisis and harsh social, political and economic challenges.
We are AfriCAN, not AfriCAN' T!
Coach Tarie is the Founder of the following Organisations
1. Coach Tarie Coaching and Consultancy (COTACC)
2. No Limits Movement,
3. Arise Africa Cause,
4. Family Unit Nurturing and Development Organisation (FUN & DO),
5. School of Leadership Success and Excellence (SOLSE) Youth With an Attitude
Coach Tarie: Pastor, Life, Executive, Entrepreneurship, Relationship Coach, Consultant, Leadership Trainer, Speaker, Blogger, Developmentalist.
Coach Tarie is the Founder of the following Organisations
1. Coach Tarie Coaching and Consultancy (COTACC)
2. No Limits Movement,
3. Arise Africa Cause,
4. Family Unit Nurturing and Development Organisation (FUN & DO),
5. School of Leadership Success and Excellence (SOLSE) Youth With an Attitude
Coach Tarie: Pastor, Life, Executive, Entrepreneurship, Relationship Coach, Consultant, Leadership Trainer, Speaker, Blogger, Developmentalist.
Facebook: Twitter, Linkedin @ Coach Tarie
Contact: +263773 301 267, +263 712 106 415, +263 733 388 463