In introduction to PURPOSE DRIVEN LIVING, in the simplest of terms, Purpose is the reason of existence of a thing. It is What was in the creator’s or manufacturer's mind when he made something.

On this journey we believe everyone of us was born for a unique purpose that was in the mind of the creator. This purpose answers to your uniqueness. There is no one exactly like you, there has never been and neither will there ever be.

Your reason of existence is the only thing that will deploy you to maximise your potential and is also the only way that will bring you fulfilment and give meaning to your life.

You are not supposed to create or design you purpose but to discover what has been already created and designed for you. This should take a lot of pressure from you as we begin the journey.

Your purpose is in a place where three clusters converge. The three clusters are, passion, gifts and values.

a.       Passion Cluster (What you love doing).
This is what you can get lost doing and can do without payment.
b.       Gift Cluster (What you are good at and what you can do better than others)
c.       Values cluster (Intrinsic inner convictions). Values are thoughts, attitudes and opinions that each us feel strongly about.

Your purpose is something that encompass the above three hence defined as a role that allows you to express you inner values doing what you love to do and what you are good maximising on your creativity.

 This explains why we say self awareness is a key component of discovering your purpose. I will send a few tools and questions that will help us get clarity of our values,  passions and gifts.

Let's walk together in the journey towards PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE (PDL). Don’t forget to look for Part 2 of these insights.

If you are interested in Joining the *PURPOSE  DRIVEN LIVING (PDL)* Whatsapp group inbox any of the following numbers. +263773301267, +263783573784, +263784456314, +263779924607
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