Why Most People Fail to reach Their Goals!!
How to Guarantee Success to reach your Goals.
"Our major misconception to the new life is that we are activity oriented and not rest oriented in our souls. Christ did not invite us to come to him and labour but to rest."-Coach Tarie: The Wisdom Garden (Volume 1).
The issue of goal setting is the major issue that people always talk about at the beginning of the year but several times many cannot pursue the goals to the end. Why are some of the reasons why we lose the energy to pursue our goals? There are many reasons why people lose energy or fail to follow through on their goals and those we will discuss as we progress in this series of conversations. Today I want to say that many people fail to reach their goals because they pursue the wrong goals or the right goals at the wrong time or for the wrong reasons. It is therefore vital to look at the source of your goals. Tracing the source of our goals is key in the process of effective goal setting.
This is echoed in the words of a first century writer and minister of the Kingdom by the name of Paul who said,
"Therefore when I was planning to do this, I did not do so without thinking about what I was doing, did I? Or do I make my plans according to mere human standards so that I would be saying both "Yes, yes" and "No, no" at the same time? But as God is faithful, our message to you is not "Yes" and "No." (2 Corinthians 1: 17)
What is the source of our goals? As highlighted by the words above sometimes our goals are according to the flesh. This issue of planning and goal setting according to the flesh is twofold. Firstly it is pursuing goals for merely selfish interest and gratifying our lusts. Secondly it is pursuing genuine needs but through the wrong means. We therefore have to understand the genuine needs that we all have and that we should always have met. It is these needs that are the sources of our goals. All the goals that we pursue are usually there to fulfil the following needs;
a. The need to be loved
b. The need for security
c. The need for significance
We set our goals for the fulfilment of these needs. Since all of us have the following needs in our lives, what will determine the level of success and fulfilment in our lives is whether they are fulfilled or not. Fulfilment of these needs is determined by where we seek them. One counsellor identifies where the majority of people seek fulfilment of the above needs as the following;
1. People
2. Positions
3. Possessions
4. Power
Take a closer look at some of your major goals for 2017, are they not around bringing people to you so that you may get love or feel significant with them. Are they not on acquiring positions so that you may feel significant or get more security from the returns of the position. You might be seeking possessions so that you will have security or be significant by what you acquire. Otherwise you are seeking more power for significance or to be in control of people or things so that you will have a sense of security.
You may pursue goals and reach them for the following motives but when you fail to get the desired love, security or significance in the end you get frustrated and lose more energy to continue setting more goals. The correct approach to life should be pursuing the fulfilment of these needs not in people, positions, possessions and power but in God. We are to get all these in the finished work of Christ. The finished work of Christ is a readily available source of genuine unconditional love that we all long for and gives us security for the now and for the future. In his finished work we are already significant by how he sees us and the value that he places on us and He has work that he wants done by us that will give us significance without us looking for it.
From this brief conversation we need to embrace the reality of the Love of God in Christ and save ourselves from wasting our energies on unnecessary activities and pursuits. We sometimes think that a lot of activity will mean great progress because people around us are doing many things. This is echoed in a quote from my book that is coming in March, where I say,
"Our major misconception to the new life is that we are activity oriented and not rest oriented in our souls. Christ did not invite us to come to him and labour but to rest."-Coach Tarie: The Wisdom Garden (Volume 1).
Christ invited us into his rest whereby we are to rest on his finished work and rest from labouring with the world. We are bound to move from the rest of Christ and pursue the wrong goals when we do not realise what our major needs in life are and where they should be fulfilled. We are supposed to set our goals from a better position and we will have the energy to fulfil them and are guaranteed that God is on our side to help us along the way. What should be the right motivation for our goals that has a guarantee that we will not walk alone and that we will have access to invisible storehouses of grace, creativity, energy, emotional and material resources?
Our goals should be building or positioning us for fruitfulness. We have a greater motivation if what we are pursuing is for something bigger than ourselves. We are called to be fruitful and this is clear from the mouth of Wisdom when he walked on two feet and said,
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.(John 15:16)
We are called to be fruitful and the simplest way to understand fruitfulness is when we look at fruit bearing trees. No fruit tree eats it's fruit. As I always say, an orange tree does not eat oranges but produces oranges that are eaten by others and this guarantees it to be nurtured and taken good care of. Our approach to goal setting should be guided by what we can become, have or do for the benefit of those around. The source of our goals should be to become bigger and better, have all that we can have and do all that we can do for the benefit of others. But this is possible when our own needs have been met and they are met to the fullest when we develop strong relationship with our Source. Our primary goal should be finding a strong connection with our Source, who is our Father then we are are guaranteed for guidance of the other goals to pursue and also the resources and energy to pursue them to the end.
In the same soon coming book, I have said,
"When you are not sure at what stage you are in life and areas you are to focus on in setting your life on course, understand that time, effort and resources invested in building your spiritual life and personal development are never wasted but are a profitable investment to give you a platform of knowing what you are supposed to do and become- Coach Tarie: The Wisdom Garden (Volume 1)
Success in life is not just setting goals but setting the right goals, the right goals have a guaranteed support system to the end. Goals are not easily reached because of the many obstacles that come along the way but they can be guaranteed by who goes along with you in your pursuit. For assistance in setting and pursuing goals or life coaching in any area of your life from Spiritual, family and relationships, career, business and finance, personal development, health, social responsibility and fun and leisure you can get in touch with a professional life coach on the contacts below.
Coach Tarie-Pastor|Life-Executive-Entrepreneuship Coach|Consultant|LeadershipTrainer|Speaker| Developmentalist|Blogger|
www.coachtarie.com| coachtarie@ gmail.com| facebook/twitter/linkedin @ Coach Tarie| +263773 301 26|
"Our major misconception to the new life is that we are activity oriented and not rest oriented in our souls. Christ did not invite us to come to him and labour but to rest."-Coach Tarie: The Wisdom Garden (Volume 1).
The issue of goal setting is the major issue that people always talk about at the beginning of the year but several times many cannot pursue the goals to the end. Why are some of the reasons why we lose the energy to pursue our goals? There are many reasons why people lose energy or fail to follow through on their goals and those we will discuss as we progress in this series of conversations. Today I want to say that many people fail to reach their goals because they pursue the wrong goals or the right goals at the wrong time or for the wrong reasons. It is therefore vital to look at the source of your goals. Tracing the source of our goals is key in the process of effective goal setting.
This is echoed in the words of a first century writer and minister of the Kingdom by the name of Paul who said,
"Therefore when I was planning to do this, I did not do so without thinking about what I was doing, did I? Or do I make my plans according to mere human standards so that I would be saying both "Yes, yes" and "No, no" at the same time? But as God is faithful, our message to you is not "Yes" and "No." (2 Corinthians 1: 17)
What is the source of our goals? As highlighted by the words above sometimes our goals are according to the flesh. This issue of planning and goal setting according to the flesh is twofold. Firstly it is pursuing goals for merely selfish interest and gratifying our lusts. Secondly it is pursuing genuine needs but through the wrong means. We therefore have to understand the genuine needs that we all have and that we should always have met. It is these needs that are the sources of our goals. All the goals that we pursue are usually there to fulfil the following needs;
a. The need to be loved
b. The need for security
c. The need for significance
We set our goals for the fulfilment of these needs. Since all of us have the following needs in our lives, what will determine the level of success and fulfilment in our lives is whether they are fulfilled or not. Fulfilment of these needs is determined by where we seek them. One counsellor identifies where the majority of people seek fulfilment of the above needs as the following;
1. People
2. Positions
3. Possessions
4. Power
Take a closer look at some of your major goals for 2017, are they not around bringing people to you so that you may get love or feel significant with them. Are they not on acquiring positions so that you may feel significant or get more security from the returns of the position. You might be seeking possessions so that you will have security or be significant by what you acquire. Otherwise you are seeking more power for significance or to be in control of people or things so that you will have a sense of security.
You may pursue goals and reach them for the following motives but when you fail to get the desired love, security or significance in the end you get frustrated and lose more energy to continue setting more goals. The correct approach to life should be pursuing the fulfilment of these needs not in people, positions, possessions and power but in God. We are to get all these in the finished work of Christ. The finished work of Christ is a readily available source of genuine unconditional love that we all long for and gives us security for the now and for the future. In his finished work we are already significant by how he sees us and the value that he places on us and He has work that he wants done by us that will give us significance without us looking for it.
From this brief conversation we need to embrace the reality of the Love of God in Christ and save ourselves from wasting our energies on unnecessary activities and pursuits. We sometimes think that a lot of activity will mean great progress because people around us are doing many things. This is echoed in a quote from my book that is coming in March, where I say,
"Our major misconception to the new life is that we are activity oriented and not rest oriented in our souls. Christ did not invite us to come to him and labour but to rest."-Coach Tarie: The Wisdom Garden (Volume 1).
Christ invited us into his rest whereby we are to rest on his finished work and rest from labouring with the world. We are bound to move from the rest of Christ and pursue the wrong goals when we do not realise what our major needs in life are and where they should be fulfilled. We are supposed to set our goals from a better position and we will have the energy to fulfil them and are guaranteed that God is on our side to help us along the way. What should be the right motivation for our goals that has a guarantee that we will not walk alone and that we will have access to invisible storehouses of grace, creativity, energy, emotional and material resources?
Our goals should be building or positioning us for fruitfulness. We have a greater motivation if what we are pursuing is for something bigger than ourselves. We are called to be fruitful and this is clear from the mouth of Wisdom when he walked on two feet and said,
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.(John 15:16)
We are called to be fruitful and the simplest way to understand fruitfulness is when we look at fruit bearing trees. No fruit tree eats it's fruit. As I always say, an orange tree does not eat oranges but produces oranges that are eaten by others and this guarantees it to be nurtured and taken good care of. Our approach to goal setting should be guided by what we can become, have or do for the benefit of those around. The source of our goals should be to become bigger and better, have all that we can have and do all that we can do for the benefit of others. But this is possible when our own needs have been met and they are met to the fullest when we develop strong relationship with our Source. Our primary goal should be finding a strong connection with our Source, who is our Father then we are are guaranteed for guidance of the other goals to pursue and also the resources and energy to pursue them to the end.
In the same soon coming book, I have said,
"When you are not sure at what stage you are in life and areas you are to focus on in setting your life on course, understand that time, effort and resources invested in building your spiritual life and personal development are never wasted but are a profitable investment to give you a platform of knowing what you are supposed to do and become- Coach Tarie: The Wisdom Garden (Volume 1)
Success in life is not just setting goals but setting the right goals, the right goals have a guaranteed support system to the end. Goals are not easily reached because of the many obstacles that come along the way but they can be guaranteed by who goes along with you in your pursuit. For assistance in setting and pursuing goals or life coaching in any area of your life from Spiritual, family and relationships, career, business and finance, personal development, health, social responsibility and fun and leisure you can get in touch with a professional life coach on the contacts below.
Coach Tarie-Pastor|Life-Executive-Entrepreneuship Coach|Consultant|LeadershipTrainer|Speaker| Developmentalist|Blogger|
www.coachtarie.com| coachtarie@ gmail.com| facebook/twitter/linkedin @ Coach Tarie| +263773 301 26|